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Vigilant Vigilant ii is an alliance in Dota Underlords.

Alliance bonus[]

Vigilant bonus 1 Whenever an enemy unit casts a spell, allied Vigilant units target that enemy if it is within their range. The damage of the next attack against this target is increased by 40%.
Vigilant bonus 2 Whenever an enemy unit casts a spell, all allied units target that enemy if it is within their range. The damage of the next attack against this target is increased by 50%.


Drow Ranger portrait icon
Heartless icon Vigilant icon Hunter icon
Drow Ranger
Luna portrait icon
Vigilant icon Knight icon
Mirana portrait icon
Vigilant icon Hunter icon
Templar Assassin portrait icon
Vigilant icon Void icon Assassin icon
Templar Assassin
Windranger portrait icon
Vigilant icon Hunter icon

Change Log[]

April 03, 2020 Patch

  • Bonus damage on first hit changed from 50 to [40, 50]

March 05, 2020 Patch

  • Whenever an enemy unit casts a spell and is targeted by the Vigilant alliance, the first attack from each unit due to that targeting change does 50% more damage.
Player Assassin Assassins ii  •  Brawny Brawny ii  •  Brute Brute ii  •  Champion Champion ii  •  Demon Demon ii  •  Dragon Dragon ii  •  Fallen Fallen ii  •  Healer Healer ii  •  Heartless Heartless ii  •  Human Human ii  •  Hunter Hunters ii  •  Knight Knight ii  •  Mage Mages ii  •  Magus Magus ii  •  Poisoner Poisoner ii  •  Rogue Rogue ii  •  Savage Savage ii  •  Scaled Scaled ii  •  Shaman Shaman ii  •  Spirit Spirit ii  •  Summoner Summoner ii  •  Swordsman Swordsman ii  •  Troll Troll ii  •  Vigilant Vigilant ii  •  Void Void ii  •  Warrior Warriors ii
Out of Season
or Removed
Demon Hunter Demon Hunters ii  •  Elusive Elusive ii  •  Inventor Inventors ii  •  Scrappy Scrappy ii  •  Shaman Shaman ii (old)  •  Druid Druid ii  •  Blood-Bound Blood-bound ii placeholder  •  Deadeye Deadeye ii placeholder  •  Insect Insect ii  •  Primordial Primordial ii  •  Warlocks Warlocks ii