Patch notes
The Update in which Knight is Day
- Nerfed crashes across the board.
- Memory savings on mobile.
- Improved drag behavior, including adding a particle when hovering an item over a unit.
- Fixed an issue where units dragged from the shop could improperly displace board units.
- Fixed card reward screen for mobile.
- Fixed a UI issue where the last row of the jail could be squished.
- Fixed a UI issue with win streaks on neutral rounds.
- Improved win/lose streak FX for the new UI.
- Fixed a UI issue with decimals showing in DPS meters.
- Added detailed tooltips to the DPS meters.
- Visual updates to leaderboard UI
- Fixed an issue with the player icon sidebar when switching between Large and Small Screen layouts.
Duos Teams
- Playing a Duos match with a friend now creates a persistent Duos team.
- The number of matches played along with your track record will be tracked for each of your teams.
- When you’ve played three matches with the same player, you’ll unlock the ability to name your team.
- Have team name ragrets? No worries, you can rename your team every three matches.
Ranked Duos
- There is now a Ranked Duos matchmaking queue.
- Progress in this mode counts towards your solo (existing) rank up to Big Boss level.
- Each Duos team now also has its own Duos team rank, so grab a friend and become Big Bosses together!
Casual Duos
- You can now queue for Casual Duos with a bot partner for those times when your friends aren’t online
- Using Team Chat, your bot teammate will request units from you to rank up heroes and complete Alliances
- They will also respond to your Team Chat requests for units and Alliances
- Be nice to your bot teammate
Underlord changes
- Maximum Health changed:
- [1000, 1350, 1700, 2050, 2400, 2750, 3100, 3450, 3800, 4150] -> [1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500]
- Demon Archer:
- Attack Damage Minimum changed:
- [50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140] -> [30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84]
- Attack Damage Maximum changed:
- [60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150] -> [36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90]
- Attack Damage Minimum changed:
- Maximum Health changed:
- [1200, 1650, 2100, 2550, 3000, 3450, 3900, 4350, 4800, 5250] -> [1000, 1700, 2400, 3100, 3800, 4500, 5200, 5900, 6600, 7300]
- Attack Damage Minimum changed:
- [48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 160] -> [74, 86, 98, 110, 122, 134, 146, 158, 170, 182]
- Attack Damage Maximum changed:
- [54, 66, 78, 90, 102, 114, 126, 138, 150, 166] -> [80, 92, 104, 116, 128, 140, 152, 164, 176, 188]
Talent Changes:
Fire Break:
- Damage Reduction changed from 45 to 40
Hot Rod:
- Attack Speed bonus changed from 10 to 15
Melting Point:
- Armor lost per second changed from 0.5 to 1
Hero changes
- Maximum Health changed from [1000, 2000, 4000] to [1000, 1800, 4000]
- Maximum Health changed from [1100, 2200, 4400] to [1100, 1980, 4400]
- Maximum Mana changed from 100 to 75
Chaos Bolt:
- Min Damage changed from [50, 100, 150] to [100, 150, 200]
- Min Stun changed from [1, 1, 1] to [1, 2, 3]
- Mana Cost changed from 100 to 75
Breathe Fire:
- Damage changed from [200, 350, 500] to [150, 250, 400]
- Maximum Health changed from [2000, 4000, 8000] to [2000, 3600, 8000]
- Attack Rate changed from [0.909, 1.0, 1.25] to [1.0, 1.111, 1.25]
- Maximum Health changed from [1200, 2400, 4800] to [1200, 2600, 4800]
- Attack Damage Minimum changed from [65, 140, 280] to [65, 155, 280]
- Attack Damage Maximum changed from [70, 150, 300] to [70, 165, 300]
- Armor changed from 10 to 5
- Maximum Health changed from [1000, 2000, 4800] to [900, 1800, 3600]
- Attack Damage Minimum changed from [50, 100, 240] to [40, 80, 180]
- Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 120, 288] to [50, 100, 228]
- NOTE: These Legion Commander changes go hand in hand with the changes to the Champion
- Attack Damage Minimum changed from [50, 100, 200] to [50, 120, 200]
- Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 120, 240] to [60, 144, 240]
- Maximum Mana changed from 100 to 75
- Maximum Health changed from [1000, 2000, 4000] to [1250, 2500, 4000]
- Damage changed from [200, 350, 450] to [100, 175, 450]
- Mana Cost changed from 100 to 75
- Maximum Health changed from [1100, 2200, 4400] to [1100, 1980, 4400]
- Now a Brute
in addition to being a Blood-Bound
- Maximum Mana changed from 100 to 60
- Maximum Health changed from [1400, 2800, 6720] to [1610, 3220, 7728]
- Cooldown changed from 10 to [10, 8, 6]
- Mana Cost changed from 100 to 60
- Maximum Health changed from [1100, 2200, 4400] to [1100, 1980, 4400]
- Maximum Health changed from [2000, 5000, 11000] to [2000, 5000, 9350]
- Maximum Health changed from [1100, 2200, 4400] to [1100, 1980, 4400]
- Fixed
Caustic Finale going off after every attack.
- Attack Damage Minimum changed from [70, 140, 336] to [77, 154, 369]
- Attack Damage Maximum changed from [80, 160, 384] to [88, 176, 422]
Requiem of Souls:
- Max projectile width changed from 256 to 425
- Maximum Health changed from [1000, 2000, 4800] to [1000, 1800, 4800]
Essence Shift no longer reduces attack speed and damage from the target (Slark still gains the effects)
- Maximum Health changed from [1500, 3000, 6000] to [1500, 2700, 6000]
- Can no longer
Shukuchi while silenced.
Alliance changes
Champion :
- Now also grants 10% bonus damage and max health per Alliance affecting the Champion (excluding her own).
- Armor Reduction changed from [ -3, -10, -15 ] to [-3, -8, -15].
Insect :
- Spawn rate of spiderlings changed to 3 every 0.5 seconds. This means it'll take 2 seconds to spawn the initial batch of 12.
- Armor changed from [5, 10, 15] to [5, 10, 10]
Warrior :
- Armor Reduction changed from [ 7, 20 ] to [7, 17].