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Knight Knight ii is an alliance in Dota Underlords.

Alliance bonus[]

Knight bonus 1 Knight units take 15% less physical and magical damage. If attacked from the front, and within 1 cell of an allied knight, Knight units take an additional 15% less physical and magical damage.
Knight bonus 2 Knight units take 20% less physical and magical damage. If attacked from the front, and within 1 cell of an allied knight, Knight units take an additional 20% less physical and magical damage.
Knight bonus 3 Knight units take 25% less physical and magical damage. If attacked from the front, and within 1 cell of an allied knight, Knight units take an additional 25% less physical and magical damage.


  • Pure damage is not affected by this damage reduction.


Abaddon portrait icon
Fallen icon Knight icon
Batrider portrait icon
Troll icon Knight icon
Chaos Knight portrait icon
Demon icon Knight icon
Chaos Knight
Dragon Knight portrait icon
Human icon Dragon icon Knight icon
Dragon Knight
Luna portrait icon
Vigilant icon Knight icon
Omniknight portrait icon
Human icon Knight icon Healer icon
Sven portrait icon
Rogue icon Knight icon Swordsman icon

Change logs[]

August 27, 2020 Patch
  • Base Physical and Magical damage reduction changed from [15, 19, 23] to [15, 20, 25].
  • Bonus Physical and Magical damage reduction changed from [15, 19, 23] to [15, 20, 25].

April 30, 2020 Patch

  • Base physical/magical damage reduction changed from [15, 20, 25] to [15, 19, 23]. As always, this reduction is doubled if a Knight is standing next to a friendly Knight and is attacked from the front or side.

February 25, 2020 Patch

  • Physical and Magic damage reduction changed from [ 15, 22, 28 ]% to [ 15, 20, 25 ]%

January 16, 2020 Patch

  • Damage reduction and adjacency bonus changed from [15/20/25]% to [15/22/28]%

November 07, 2019 Patch

  • Fixed a bug where Knights would not get their bonus magical damage reduction when standing next to friendly knights.

October 24, 2019 Patch

  • Knight Knight ii Alliance changed.
    • Old: Knight units take [15/20/25]% less physical and magical damage and an additional [15/20/25%] when standing 1 cell away from another Knight.
    • New: Knight units take [15/20/25]% less physical and magical damage. If attacked from the front, and within 1 cell of an allied knight, Knight units take an additional [15/20/25%] less physical and magical damage.

July 19, 2019 Patch

  • Knight Knight ii Alliance damage reduction bonus changed from [ -15, -20, -30 ] to [ -15, -20, -25 ]

June 27, 2019 Patch

  • Default damage reduction changed: [ -15, -25, -35 ] -> [ -15, -20, -30 ].
  • Adjacent to other knights damage reduction changed: [ -20, -25, -30 ] -> [ -15, -20, -25 ].

June 25, 2019 Patch

  • Now gives a constant 15/25/35% damage reduction and an additional 20/25/30% when next to another knight.

June 19, 2019 Patch

  • Knights Knight ii will now try to stay in formation with other Knights.
Player Assassin Assassins ii  •  Brawny Brawny ii  •  Brute Brute ii  •  Champion Champion ii  •  Demon Demon ii  •  Dragon Dragon ii  •  Fallen Fallen ii  •  Healer Healer ii  •  Heartless Heartless ii  •  Human Human ii  •  Hunter Hunters ii  •  Knight Knight ii  •  Mage Mages ii  •  Magus Magus ii  •  Poisoner Poisoner ii  •  Rogue Rogue ii  •  Savage Savage ii  •  Scaled Scaled ii  •  Shaman Shaman ii  •  Spirit Spirit ii  •  Summoner Summoner ii  •  Swordsman Swordsman ii  •  Troll Troll ii  •  Vigilant Vigilant ii  •  Void Void ii  •  Warrior Warriors ii
Out of Season
or Removed
Demon Hunter Demon Hunters ii  •  Elusive Elusive ii  •  Inventor Inventors ii  •  Scrappy Scrappy ii  •  Shaman Shaman ii (old)  •  Druid Druid ii  •  Blood-Bound Blood-bound ii placeholder  •  Deadeye Deadeye ii placeholder  •  Insect Insect ii  •  Primordial Primordial ii  •  Warlocks Warlocks ii