Patch notes
We Delta Slammed Some Bugs With Bugs
General changes
- Improved board-loads-black bug. There are still some rough edges here that have been hard to track down, though, and we're still working on it.
- Fixed an issue where tapping on an Underlord ability in the unit status panel during preparing/combat, rather than on the ability icon in the lower corner Underlord displays, would trigger the wrong popup description.
- Fixed an issue with Underlord ability tooltips/popups that showed numbers from one level higher than the current Player Level, if the number was level dependent.
Underlord changes
- Damage Support:
- Duration of Enthrall targeting changed from 5.0 to 6.0
The End of Medicine:
- Attack Damage Bonus changed from 30% to 35%
- High Damage Dealer:
- Damage changed from [560, 750, 930, 1125, 1310, 1500] to [600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600]
Friendly Fire:
- Damage changed from [250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500] to [250, 300, 360, 430, 500, 600]
Hero changes
Sticky Napalm:
- Change minimum damage threshold for Sticky Napalm damage to proc from 25 to 5.
- Fixed a bug where
Radiance and
Orb of Venom could trigger Sticky Napalm damage.
- Maximum Health changed from [1400, 2800, 5600] to [1350, 2700, 5400]
- Attack Damage Minimum changed from [50, 100, 200] to [45, 90, 180]
- Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 120, 240] to [55, 110, 230]
Breathe Fire:
- Enemy Attack Damage Reduction changed from [25, 40, 55]% to [25, 35, 45]%
- Damage changed from [150, 250, 400] to [150, 200, 250]
- Attack Damage Minimum changed from [75, 150, 300] to [65, 130, 260]
- Attack Damage Maximum changed from [80, 160, 320] to [75, 150, 300]
- Ace Effect:
- Pierce percent changed from 100 to 75
- Fixed a bug where Refresher Orb would not refresh Relocate
- Attack Damage Minimum changed from [40, 80, 180] to [40, 80, 160]
- Attack Damage Maximum changed from [50, 100, 228] to [50, 100, 200]
- Bonus Damage per duel win changed from [5, 10, 15] to [5, 8, 12]
- Attack Damage Minimum changed from [50, 72, 126] to [60, 90, 126]
- Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 92, 174] to [70, 110, 174]
Essence Shift:
- Bonus Damage gain per attack changed from [3, 4, 5] to [3, 5, 6]
- Attack Speed gain per attack changed from [2.0, 3.5, 5.0] to [3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
- Maximum Mana changed from 200 to 150
God's Strength:
- Mana Cost changed from 200 to 150
Item changes
- Number of Barricades changed from 2 to 3
- Tier changed from 2 to 3
- Maximum Health per Barricade changed from [600, 600, 600] to [750, 750, 750]
- Bonus armor now shows during preparing phase on unit status panel.
- Bonus Attack Damage changed from 30 to 33
- Added missing FX.
- Percent Chance to gain gold on kill changed from 30% to 25%
- Thunderhide:
- Attack Damage Minimum changed from 100 to 120
- Attack Damage Maximum changed from 150 to 160
- Attack Rate changed from 0.935 to 1.0
- Maximum Health changed from 3750 to 4500
- Tier changed from 3 to 4
- Lifesteal percent changed from 20% to 30%
- Damage Per Second changed from 30 to 35
- Tier changed from 4 to 3
- Bonus Health changed from 750 to 850
- Zombie:
- Attack Rate changed from 0.833 to 1.0
Alliance changes
- Attack Rate changed from 0.667 to [0.667, 0.8]
- Armor changed from [3, 5] to [3, 8]
Spirit :
- Fixed Delta Slam targeting to not count spiderlings when computing which triangle damaged the most enemies.
- Fixed Delta Slam no longer killing spiderlings.