- ▶️ So, you called in the big guns, eh?
- ▶️ Looks like you could use a little Keen ingenuity.
- ▶️ Time to take this thing for a spin!
- ▶️ Feels good to fly again!
- ▶️ I'm not cheap, but I'm worth it!
- ▶️ Gyrocopter reporting for duty!
- ▶️ Ready to fly!
- ▶️ The old girl's fueled up and ready for action!
- ▶️ If you got money, then you got air support!
- ▶️ There's no place they can hide from me.
- ▶️ Don't worry, there's still gas in the tank.
- ▶️ Nice to see someone appreciate my experience.
- ▶️ So, you need a little help from the Keen, eh?
- ▶️ Smart decision!
- ▶️ I'll cover the team.
- ▶️ Ready and willing!
- ▶️ Let's take to the skies!
- ▶️ Time to fuel up!
- ▶️ Ready for anything.
- ▶️ Gyrocopter at your service.
- ▶️ Time to bomb the hell out of the place!
- ▶️ Time for a little collateral damage!
- ▶️ Let's make a few upgrades.
- ▶️ Let's show all whippersnappers how it's done!
- ▶️ Upgrading the payload.
- ▶️ Oh, they're really going to hate me now!
- ▶️ Let me upgrade the old girl.
- ▶️ Tougher than ever!
- ▶️ Let me show you somethin' I've been workin' on.
- ▶️ Better than ever!
Final Upgrade
- ▶️ They'll be dead in no time.
- ▶️ Bet they never saw anything like this!
- ▶️ They're good as dead.
- ▶️ Time for one final upgrade.
- ▶️ No way in hell they survive!
Round Start[]
- ▶️ Hope you kids can keep up!
- ▶️ Just buy me enough time to lock onto my targets.
- ▶️ I got more experience than their whole team combined!
- ▶️ They can't hide from me.
- ▶️ Time to mow 'em down!
- ▶️ Let's give 'em hell!
- ▶️ Don't worry, we got this.
- ▶️ Switchin' to guns.
- ▶️ Weapons hot!
- ▶️ I got 'em in my sights!
- ▶️ Time to give 'em the ol' flyby!
- ▶️ This shouldn't take long.
- ▶️ They're not ready for us!
- ▶️ They'll be dead to the last man.
- ▶️ Kill 'em all!
- ▶️ Impossible!
- ▶️ How could this happen?
- ▶️ They won't shoot me down again!
- ▶️ Do you know how expensive it is to fix this thing?
- ▶️ We need to be smarter.
- ▶️ I'm better than that!
- ▶️ That won't happen again.
- ▶️ Oh, the young-ins with their fancy magic!
- ▶️ Science won't lose to magic again!
- ▶️ I'm reloaded and ready!
- ▶️ We'll make 'em pay for that!
- ▶️ So, we need to make a few adjustments.
- ▶️ Let's try not to lose this time.
- ▶️ There's still a lot of fight left in me.
- ▶️ They got lucky!
- ▶️ I am dangerous!
- ▶️ Heheha!
- ▶️ Of course we won!
- ▶️ Did you see the part when I bombed the hell outta them?
- ▶️ First I was like abrrrrrrrrrrrr, and then I was like bzzzzzzzzzt.
- ▶️ Great work!
- ▶️ Pleasure fightin' with ya!
- ▶️ That's how yer do it!
- ▶️ Perfect!
- ▶️ Just like I planned!
- ▶️ Remember that time I bombed the hell outta them?
- ▶️ That will teach 'em not to mess with us!
- ▶️ Maybe now they realize who they're dealing with.
- ▶️ There's more where that came from.
- ▶️ We're just getting warmed up!
- ▶️ Keep it up, people!
- ▶️ Beautiful!
- ▶️ I feel young again!
- ▶️ Time to celebrate!
- ▶️ Get ready, more will be here soon.
- ▶️ What else did yer expect?
- ▶️ Beau-ti-ful!
- ▶️ We got more bogeys incomin'.
- ▶️ Look alive people, there's more inbound!
- ▶️ Nobody can take us on!
- ▶️
They can't beat the Society of Like-minded Keenfolk!
- ▶️
The S.O.L.K is here!
- ▶️
Wish Mazzie was here to see this!
- ▶️
Alright boys, let's show 'em what the Keen can do.
- ▶️
No one is better than the Keen!
- ▶️
They weren't ready for science!
- ▶️
We did it, boys!
- ▶️
Let's get to work, Sniper!
- ▶️
Hey Tinker, you mind puttin' some lasers on this thing?
- ▶️
Time to see if these magic users can keep up with Keenfolk ingenuity.