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Brute Brute ii is an alliance in Dota Underlords.

Alliance bonus[]

Brute bonus 1 Whenever a Brute attacks an enemy it applies a -30% damage debuff for 4 seconds. When the debuff is initially applied it deals 80 damage. Brutes prefer to attack enemies that do not have the debuff.
Brute bonus 2 Whenever a Brute attacks an enemy it applies a -50% damage debuff for 4 seconds. When the debuff is initially applied it deals 120 damage. Brutes prefer to attack enemies that do not have the debuff.


Alchemist portrait icon
Brute icon Rogue icon Poisoner icon
Axe portrait icon
Brawny icon Brute icon
Doom portrait icon
Demon icon Brute icon
Lifestealer portrait icon
Heartless icon Brute icon
Spirit Breaker portrait icon
Savage icon Brute icon
Spirit Breaker

Out of Season Heroes[]

Ogre Magi portrait icon
Blood-Bound icon Brute icon Mage icon
Ogre Magi

Change logs[]

November 19, 2020 Patch
  • Damage Reduction changed from [30, 60] to [30, 50]
  • Damage on apply changed from [80, 150] to [80, 120]

December 02, 2019 Patch

  • Changed damage debuff from [30, 70] to [30, 60].
  • Changed debuff duration from 3 to 4.

November 07, 2019 Patch

  • Debuff to enemy attack damage changed from [15, 40]% to [30, 70]%.
  • Damage on debuff being applied changed from [50, 100] to [80, 150].
Player Assassin Assassins ii  •  Brawny Brawny ii  •  Brute Brute ii  •  Champion Champion ii  •  Demon Demon ii  •  Dragon Dragon ii  •  Fallen Fallen ii  •  Healer Healer ii  •  Heartless Heartless ii  •  Human Human ii  •  Hunter Hunters ii  •  Knight Knight ii  •  Mage Mages ii  •  Magus Magus ii  •  Poisoner Poisoner ii  •  Rogue Rogue ii  •  Savage Savage ii  •  Scaled Scaled ii  •  Shaman Shaman ii  •  Spirit Spirit ii  •  Summoner Summoner ii  •  Swordsman Swordsman ii  •  Troll Troll ii  •  Vigilant Vigilant ii  •  Void Void ii  •  Warrior Warriors ii
Out of Season
or Removed
Demon Hunter Demon Hunters ii  •  Elusive Elusive ii  •  Inventor Inventors ii  •  Scrappy Scrappy ii  •  Shaman Shaman ii (old)  •  Druid Druid ii  •  Blood-Bound Blood-bound ii placeholder  •  Deadeye Deadeye ii placeholder  •  Insect Insect ii  •  Primordial Primordial ii  •  Warlocks Warlocks ii