Dota Underlords Wiki
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Armor is a stat that modifies the amount of physical damage taken by a unit. Armor values can be modified by items, hero abilities and Alliance bonuses. A positive value reduces the amount of physical damage received by a unit, while a negative value increases the damage received.

Armor has no effect on Magical damage or Pure damage.

Damage Calculation[]

Physical damage dealt to a unit with armor will be multiplied by the damage multiplier. For positive armor values, the multiplier will be less than 1. For negative armor values, the multiplier will be greater than 1. It is calculated by:

damage multiplier = 1 - ((0.052 × armor) ÷ (0.9 + 0.048 × |armor|))

The damage multiplier has a maximum of 25/12 and a minimum of zero. Due to the essence of the calculation, every additional point of armor increases the effective HP (see below) of a unit more than the previous point.

Effective HP[]

The extra damage a unit can take due to armor is known as its extra effective HP (or extra EHP) for physical damage. At 0 armor, 1 armor grants roughly 5.8% effective HP. This means a unit with 1,000 health and 1 armor can take 1058 physical damage. At 30 armor, this figure scales upwards to 7.7%, meaning armor is more effective at higher values.

Effective HP is calculated by:

effective HP = current HP ÷ damage multiplier


For a sample creature with 1000 HP, here's how its survivability is affected by armor.

Armor Damage multiplier Effective HP Increase in effective HP

From adding 5 armor

-15 148% 675 51
-10 138% 726 88
-5 123% 814 186
0 100% 1,000 295
5 77% 1,295 309
10 62% 1,605 324
15 52% 1,929 340
20 44% 2,268 357
25 38% 2,625 375
30 33% 3,000 395

Because armor is more effective at higher values, a drop in armor is more effective at high values, too. Desolator icon Desolator reduces armor by 5, which means that if our sample creature has 15 armor, its EHP go down by 324; but if has 0 armor, its EHP only go down by 186.

List of armor modifiers[]

Jull mini icon Jull Jull passive icon Jull passive +5 per adjacent unit
Treant protector mini icon Treant Protector 3star Treant Protector 3 Star Effect +5 armor
Armlet of mordiggian icon Armlet of Mordiggian +10 armor
Blade mail icon Blade Mail +5 armor
Chainmail icon Chainmail +7 armor
Craggy coat icon Craggy Coat +15 armor
Shiva's guard icon Shiva's Guard +10 armor
Vladmir's offering icon Vladmir's Offering +5 armor
Warrior Warriors ii Alliance bonus +[10/25] armor
Alchemist mini icon Alchemist Acid spray icon Acid Spray -[3/6/9] armor
Anessix mini icon Anessix Enthrall icon Enthrall -10 armor
Slardar mini icon Slardar Corrosive haze icon Corrosive Haze -[10/20/30] armor
Snapfire mini icon Snapfire 3star Snapfire 3 Star Effect -5 armor
Templar assassin mini icon Templar Assassin Meld icon Meld -[2/4/6] armor
Vengeful spirit mini icon Vengeful Spirit Wave of terror icon Wave of Terror -[3/5/7] armor
Void spirit mini icon Void Spirit Dissimilate icon Dissimilate -[10/15/20] armor
Desolator icon Desolator -5 armor
Heartless Heartless ii Alliance bonus -[4/9/15] armor


If the formula for armor listed above is correct, then at 225 armor, a unit would take 0 damage. Any higher and the unit would start to be healed.
