There's a lot of misconceptions about the pursuit of power: that to achieve it, you have to get your hands dirty. This couldn't be further from the truth. Anyone worth a damn wouldn't have blood on their own hands. That's what people are for. No, violence is a tool. A lever that you use to help you get what you want. But what if I told you there was another tool available? Something simple. Something effective. Of course, I'm talking about secrets. You see, secrets are the great equalizer. It doesn't matter if you're a pauper or a king, if someone comes up to you and says 'I know something that you don't know' you immediately crave that information. This makes secrets not only fun, but insanely lucrative... and I know them all.
Anessix always tries spawning her minion towards the closest enemy - which can be a diagonal - if that space is taken, she will always summon behind herself.
If Anessix dies, the summoned companion will automatically die as well.
Damage Support[]
The End of Medicine
Cooldown: 8.0 seconds
All allied units gain 25-35% increased attack damage.
Cooldown: 10.0 seconds
Anessix marks a target for 6.0 seconds, reducing the target's armor by 10 and forcing your army to attack it. If the target dies, Anessix brings them back as a Demon to fight for her.
Any unit that must move more than 2 cells to attack the enthralled unit will disregard the new target and keep its old target.
The revived unit has the Demon alliance in addition to its other alliances.
The revived unit has its abilities' and item's cooldowns refreshed and is fully capable of using them. Although the item is not displayed when selecting the unit, it still works normally.
Anessix takes damage equal to 5% of her max health. All allied units heal 61-180 hitpoints immediately, then 8-30 hitpoints a second for the next 6 seconds.
Summon Demonic Golem
Cooldown: 15.0 seconds
Anessix summons a Demonic Golem, crashing behind enemy lines and stunning every enemy within 2 cells for 2 seconds.
The Golem crash lands next to an enemy unit, stunning all enemies within 2 cells for 2 seconds.
Stuns nearby enemies 0.25 seconds after spawning.
Targets the farthest enemy unit on the field for the summoning location.
The End of Medicine: Attack damage bonus changed from 35% to [25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35]% (i.e. the bonus scales per Underlord level to a maximum of the original value of 35%).
When Anessix casts Enthrall and targets an enemy unit, and friendly units run to attack it, if a friendly unit must move more than 2 cells to attack the new target, it will disregard the new target and keep its old target.
Healing Support:
Rejuvenating Ritual:
Self damage on cast changed from 20% to 5%.
Summon Demonic Golem:
The golem will now stun nearby enemies 0.25 seconds after it lands. This will prevent one golem disrupting the summoning of the opponent's golem.
Attack Damage Minimum changed from [125, 250] to [210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 270, 285, 295]
Attack Damage Maximum changed from [145, 290] to [230, 245, 260, 280, 290, 310, 320, 330]
Anessix takes damage equal to 20% of her max health. All allied units heal 60-300 hitpoints immediately, then 10-50 hitpoints a second for the next 6 seconds.
Cooldown from 12.5 to 8.0
Summon Demonic Golem:
Anessix summons a Demonic Golem, crashing behind enemy lines and stunning every enemy within 2 cells for 2 seconds.
Cooldown changed from 22.0 to 15.0
Armor changed from 5 to 0
Maximum Health changed from [3000, 6000] to [1125, 1500, 1875, 2250, 2625, 3000, 3375, 3750, 4125, 4500]
Lands with a crash, stunning enemy units within 2 cells for 2 seconds.
Damage Support Style:
Martyr's Boon becomes The End of Medicine:
Anessix takes damage equal to 20% of her max health. All allied units gain 30% increased attack damage.
Anessix marks a target for 5 seconds, reducing the target's armor by 5 and forcing your army to attack it. If the target dies, Anessix mini icon.png Anessix brings them back as a Demon Demon ii.png to fight for her.
Pure Pain: debuff duration up: 6 seconds -> 7 seconds.
Chaotic Hunter: number of extra shots down: 3 -> 1.
The End of Medicine: attack damage bonus increased: 25% -> 30%.
Fixed A Demon's Revenge not doing damage to the killer.
Fixed Phantom Pain not interacting correctly with Sympathy Pains. Now as long as one of the 2 targets affected by Pure Pain is alive, Phantom Pain is active.